Monday 20 January 2014

Luna Competition Entries 2013 #theatrefirstie

During our Autumn 2013 tour of Theatre Hullabaloo and Theatr Iolo's gorgeous production of Luna, we asked our audience members to share a photograph of their child enjoying their trip to see Luna with us on our Twitter or Facebook Page, along with a sentence about their first theatre experience, for a chance to win a Luna Goody Bag.

We’ve had some fabulous entries, but first prize has to go to Luke, age 3, whose visit to see Luna was his first ever trip to the theatre. Some lovely memories made there we hope!
Luke, age 3
Luna was a great choice for Luke's first visit to the theatre.
Here he gives pig a big hug 
Second prize goes to sisters Poppy, age 4, and Philippa, age 2, who saw the show at the Georgian Theatre Royal, Richmond - This was also their first trip to the theatre.
Poppy, age 4 and Philippa, age 2
Poppy and Philippa thoroughly enjoyed their first time at the theatre with Luna, Billy and Mr Pig. The youngest, Philippa, offered to join in with the entertainment with a running commentary throughout the production...totally engrossed! Great intimate setting at the Georgian Theatre Royal, Richmond. THANK YOU!
You can see all the competition entries on Theatre Hullabaloo's Flickr Page.


This competition was part of Theatre Hullabaloo’s Theatre Firsts, a national campaign to help celebrate children’s first theatre experiences, because we believe that going to the theatre for the first time is an important thing to do and should be a part of everyone’s childhood.