Wednesday 20 March 2013

Theatre Firsts from Twitter

Today on Twitter, we've been talking about Theatre Firsts. Here's some of the tweets we've received about early theatre memories.

Adam Lopardo, Founder of NE Funding for the Arts.

1st theatre memories are the pantos at Worthingtons Connaught Theatre in the 70's.
Went to a few so not sure which was the first!! Meeting the cast after was probably most memorable.
That 'behind the scenes' buzz, prob why I ended up working in Theatre.

My first none panto theatre experience was much stranger, Heller's Catch 22 which used real animal entrails and blood for a death scene. I was only about 10/11 when I saw that. To be honest, I didn't get most of it, but it made an impact on me. What you could do/show ect. It was very exciting and inspiring.

Sarah Argent, Freelance Theatre Director. 

Theatre Hullabaloo ‏@HullabalooTweet
@sargent65 Tell us your first theatre memory please Sarah :-)

 Sarah Argent ‏@sargent65
I was in Caucasian Chalk Circle age 3. Played Michael in blue raggedy suit, ate cake, was worried I'd be pulled apart! I've been in theatre for nearly 45 years now! #feelinggolden

Lucy Vaughan.

Beauty and the Beast at the Little Lyceum, Edinburgh when I was about 10. I now work for Lyceum Theatre.

Amos D Jacob, Theatre Producer and Director in York.

My Theatre Firsts are shows at National Trusts. I'm pretty sure I gave a Middle Ages lady a bent daisy. #romance.

Angharad Lee, Theatre and Film Director. 

My Dad playing Tin Man in the school production of Wizard of Oz.I sobbed coz he was stuck and I couldn't help. #1stmemory

Lyn Gardner, Theatre Writer for The Guardian and Children's Writer.

Not sure it's my first theatre memory, but I remember an actor falling off the stage during Toad of Toad Hall.
The rest of the performance was cancelled.

John Godber Company.

My first experience was watching a girl dance troupe at tower ballroom, Blackpool aged 6.

IS Night, Central Region Editor for

Seeing 1066 and All That at the Old Birmingham Rep. It seemed huge. I was about 13 and didn't realise until recently that it was the final production there before moving to their new building.

ArtWorks Cymru

Meg and Mog in 1978. I just loved sitting in the big dark space & watching the stage come to life!

CJ Lyon, PCM Projects Co-ordinator

Nottingham Theatre Royal, DoylyCarte production of Rudigore. The paintings turning in to real people. It was the start of my engagement with live theatre. The suspension of disbelief and being surprised by illusion.

Liz Million's Theatre Firsts

As it is World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People, we asked children's author and illustrator Liz Million to share her Theatre Firsts:

My earliest memory of the theatre was when Abbey Infants visited the Civic Theatre, Darlington. Going anywhere on the bus was always exciting and we went to see The Selfish Shellfish. It was a very magical experience as the world under the sea was brought to life with costumes and sparkly rocks. I loved the fact we all sat in the dark and smoke covered us completely as we were right at the front! Even now when I smell fake smoke it transports me to my first play.

I loved the panto as well as sweets were chucked into the audience and you got to heckle the bad guys which I was a big fan of because at school you always had to put your hand up.

I still thoroughly enjoy visiting the theatre. My 3 year old son visited the panto this christmas and was scared stiff!

I am also a massive fan of Punch and Judy and remember also seeing a show and getting free toothpaste!

Visit Liz's website at

Friday 8 March 2013

The Public Reviews - When is the right time to introduce children to the theatre?

When is the right time to introduce children to the theatre? This is a question that The Public Reviews have been asking this week and blogger Nicole Evans talks about how her first experience of theatre made a lasting impression and marked the start of a continuing love for the arts. She also talks about her children’s Theatre Firsts and why parents should take their youngsters to the theatre, even if they do worry that they might be too young to appreciate it. She even recommends Theatre Hullabaloo as a great children’s theatre company!

Here is a link to the blog: When is the right time to introduce children to the theatre?

When was your Theatre First? And parents, when was your children’s Theatre First?